Our Journey Begins on Monday, February 20, 2023.
Our Journey of new life continues on Pascha, Sunday, April 9, 2023
Abstinence Regulations for Lent
Strict Abstinence of Meat and Dairy Products:
Clean Monday, February 20, 2023 and Great and Holy Friday, April 7, 2023.
Simple Abstinence of Meat Products:
Every Wednesday and Friday throughout the Great Fast with the exception of Holy Friday, which Strict Abstinence supersedes Simple Abstinence.
These regulations are set to lay the foundation for our own routine and schedule to foster a closer relationship with God. They are here to help guide us towards making better choices and to put less division between us and God. We need to strive to do more than these regulations to help our relationship with God. These regulations exist because, let’s face it, if there were no regulations, then, we would more than likely not focus as much on our relationship with God. This is not to lay blame, but rather, to see reality for what it is; and how it relates to our fallen nature in our ability to make good and better choices.
We should always begin a fasting period with the gift of forgiveness. Sometimes we have had hurtful experiences in our life, someone has wronged us or many other things that we should holding on to but to forgive. We also have hurt others even not intentionally that we need to ask forgiveness from them. As you pray, think about those instances as you are guided by the Holy Spirit, that you need to forgive and to ask forgiveness from another. It is always helpful to talk to your spiritual director about these things in your heart as well, to help guide you through the process too.
The following is a simple, helpful prayer to guide you as you forgive and
ask forgiveness from others during your prayer time.
Prayer for the Forgiveness of Others
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I forgive___ (the name of the person you are forgiving) for ___ (the offence(s) the person committed).
Once you have finished your forgiveness prayers then proceed to pray the following prayer:
Prayer: I thank you God for the gift of your mercy and forgiveness, and I ask that I be covered in your most Sacred and Precious Blood from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I am sealed in your love, mercy and the most Precious Blood, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer for Asking for Forgiveness from Others
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask forgiveness from ___ (the name of the person you are asking forgiveness from) for ___ (the offence(s) you committed, even if unintentionally, against the person).
Once you have finished your forgiveness prayers then proceed to pray the following prayer:
Prayer: I thank you God for the gift of your mercy and forgiveness, and I ask that I be covered in your most Sacred and Precious Blood from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I am sealed in your love, mercy and the most Precious Blood, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
A Reflection For Our Lenten Journey Through the Great Fast.
The first day of the Great Fast is called Clean Monday, which calls for all the faithful to a Strict Abstinence of Meat and Dairy Products on this day. It is supposed to be a difficult and possibly a jarring day to our routine. This is because our whole self needs a reset to remind us what is important in our relationship with Christ. It helps us begin to identify what is between us and God.
During this Lent, we should strive to make a small, tangible and attainable goal that helps our relationship with God. Through this step, no matter how small or large it should be, by the end of Lent, cemented into our routine. Our Lenten routine hopefully will become part of what we do or had to remove from our lives, in-order-to draw closer to God.
Our journey will also be one of celebration and participation in Divine Services that are not celebrated during the rest of the year or as often throughout the liturgical year. We should strive to come and participate in these services at the parish as a family. These services will be offered in the mornings and evenings to help those who can make one time rather than the other. Although we have a different routine for the Great Fast for our liturgical schedule at the parish, I would encourage you to come at least once during the week, besides Sunday and participate in the Divine Services. May we not be afraid, but to draw near and depend more on God and less on ourselves.
My prayer during this time of fasting and penance that it will be a blessed time for our spiritual family. May this season of the Great Fast bring about in us a greater dependence on God and deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. As St John the Baptizer who exclaims to us, “He must increase and I must decrease (John 3:30).” May God increase our capacity to love and receive love, in order that He may dwell within us more than He has before, as we depend and draw closer to God.
-Father Steven M. Galuschik
February 3 , 2023