the catalog of formation and Enrichment Courses offered at All Saints
Books or Textbooks are never a requirement for any of our courses. Each class within each course, the instructor will provide handouts and resources to enhance and reinforce the concept or topic presented in the class. However, there may be courses in which books will help enrich your experience in the course. Some of those who have taken several courses find the book or books helpful and fruitful. The instructor will present the book or books to you, and provide an avenue in which you can purchase the book or books for the specific course prior to the beginning of the course. As always if you need assistance with resources or books in regards to a particular course being offered at the time, please do not hesitate to talk to Father Steven after Divine Services or contact the office for further details or information. Thank you so much! We at All Saints hope you find these courses fruitful and beneficial in your journey to sainthood!
The booklist for this course:
1. Early Christian Worship by Paul Bradshaw
The booklist for this course:
1. Early Christian Worship by Paul Bradshaw
More courses will be advertised and offered in the near future. Please stay tuned and check back to see the new courses being offered throughout the year and beyond.
If you have a question, comment, or desire to have a course on a particular topic or subject please contact the office by email. Thank you so much!!